Fast Fixed Float Formatting


I recently was dumping out data from a physics simulator to a file for plotting/analysis and was annoyed by how long it was taking to write the output file. The file's output specification is fairly simple, each state was just a collection of several doubles printed with formatting similar to printf's %f format string. Each field has both a width and a precision, and was separated by a single space.

Pos X/Y/Z146
Vel X/Y/Z146
Acc X/Y/Z146
Quat Rate169

However, there is one important difference from %f in that this file specification states that numbers too large to fit in the given width are clamped to the closest number in the range this means that a writing 1000.123 to a field specified as 6.2F should be written as 999.99, not as 1000.12.

Historically, formatting has been done with printf, looking something like this (assuming normalization to data ranges has already occurred):

std::string format_state_printf(const State &state)
    char data[14 * 3 * 3 + 16 * 2 * 4 + 18];
             "%14.6f %14.6f %14.6f "
             "%14.6f %14.6f %14.6f "
             "%14.6f %14.6f %14.6f "
             "%16.9f %16.9f %16.9f %16.9f "
             "%16.9f %16.9f %16.9f %16.9f\n",
             state.pos.x, state.pos.y, state.pos.z,
             state.vel.x, state.vel.y, state.vel.z,
             state.acc.x, state.acc.y, state.acc.z,
             state.quat.q1, state.quat.q2, state.quat.q3, state.quat.q4,
             state.quat_rate.q1, state.quat_rate.q2, state.quat_rate.q3, state.quat_rate.q4);

    return std::string(data, sizeof(data));

It is trivial to convert this over to using libfmt for a decent performance improvement:

std::string format_state_fmt(const State &state)
    return fmt::format(
        "{:14.6f} {:14.6f} {:14.6f} "
        "{:14.6f} {:14.6f} {:14.6f} "
        "{:14.6f} {:14.6f} {:14.6f} "
        "{:16.9f} {:16.9f} {:16.9f} {:16.9f} "
        "{:16.9f} {:16.9f} {:16.9f} {:16.9f}\n",
        state.pos.x, state.pos.y, state.pos.z,
        state.vel.x, state.vel.y, state.vel.z,
        state.acc.x, state.acc.y, state.acc.z,
        state.quat.q1, state.quat.q2, state.quat.q3, state.quat.q4,
        state.quat_rate.q1, state.quat_rate.q2, state.quat_rate.q3, state.quat_rate.q4);

fmt::format can also be given a string with FMT_COMPILE to generate efficient formatting code at compile time, which is even faster!

printf2258 ns2253 ns304277
std::format2094 ns2090 ns330882
fmt::format1564 ns1561 ns437419
fmt::format with FMT_COMPILE1230 ns1227 ns558531

I could have left it here, successfully cutting out 50% of the runtime, but was still curious... could we do even better? None of the solutions so far have taken into consideration that we know the range of values in State have been clamped to be within a known range, and these solutions are also general purpose formatting libraries. What if we knew we were only ever going to write a fixed precision string which was known to fit in the width specified?

After experimenting with a few versions of a formatting function, I eventually ended up with the following implementation. Notable design considerations:

  1. The function is templatized on the width and precision fields rather than containing parameters. I experimented with parameters, but found that using parameters resulted in code that was no better than FMT_COMPILE, while being a whole lot uglier to read!
  2. Inlining digit doesn't make it any faster on my machine, in fact it made it somewhat slower!
  3. In order to avoid overflow resulting in likely invalid characters being written to the output string, this function will clamp values to the permitted formatting range.

#include <cmath>
#include <bit>

namespace detail
    size_t constexpr pow(size_t base, size_t exponent)
        return exponent == 0 ? 1 : base * pow(base, exponent - 1);

template <size_t WIDTH, size_t PRECISION>
void format_fixed(char *data, double value)
    static_assert(WIDTH > PRECISION + 1);
    // -1 for decimal point
    constexpr auto INTEGER_WIDTH = WIDTH - PRECISION - 1;

    constexpr auto MAX_VALUE = (detail::pow(10, WIDTH - 1) - 1.0) / detail::pow(10, PRECISION);
    constexpr auto MIN_VALUE = -(detail::pow(10, WIDTH - 2) - 1.0) / detail::pow(10, PRECISION);

    // To support more than 9 we need to use a bigger int type
    // I haven't ever needed widths/precisions less than the lower bound here
    using TNum = int;
    static_assert(2 <= INTEGER_WIDTH && INTEGER_WIDTH <= 9);
    static_assert(2 <= PRECISION && PRECISION <= 9);

    if (std::isnan(value))
        for (size_t i = 0; i < WIDTH - 3; ++i)
            *data = ' ';
        // Check the sign bit to determine if this is nan or -nan
        if (std::bit_cast<uint64_t>(value) >> 63)
            *(data - 1) = '-';

        *data = 'n';
        *data = 'a';
        *data = 'n';

    // Clamp value to valid range for formatting
    value = std::min(std::max(MIN_VALUE, value), MAX_VALUE);

    char fill = ' ';
    auto number = static_cast<TNum>(std::abs(value));
    auto numberOrig = number;

    auto digit = [&](int offset)
        if (number > offset - 1)
            if (fill == ' ' && value < 0.0)
                *(data - 1) = '-';
            fill = '0';

            // You might think this looks rather odd, shouldn't we be using
            // result = div(number, offset)
            // which gives us both a quotient (to be written)
            // and a remainder (the next value of number)
            // However, in experimentation this has shown to be nearly 50% slower!
            TNum digit = number / offset;
            number -= digit * offset;
            *data = static_cast<char>('0' + digit);
            *data = fill;

    // First, the integer part.
    if constexpr (INTEGER_WIDTH > 8)
        digit(100'000'000); // 9
    if constexpr (INTEGER_WIDTH > 7)
        digit(10'000'000); // 8
    if constexpr (INTEGER_WIDTH > 6)
        digit(1'000'000); // 7
    if constexpr (INTEGER_WIDTH > 5)
        digit(100'000); // 6
    if constexpr (INTEGER_WIDTH > 4)
        digit(10'000); // 5
    if constexpr (INTEGER_WIDTH > 3)
        digit(1'000); // 4
    if constexpr (INTEGER_WIDTH > 2)
        digit(100); // 3
    digit(10);      // 2

    // If we haven't written the negative sign yet, do so now as we'll always write at least one digit
    if (fill == ' ' && value < 0.0)
        *(data - 1) = '-';

    // Unconditionally write at least one digit before the decimal point
    *data = static_cast<char>('0' + number); // 1

    // Decimal point
    *data = '.';

    // And the fractional part
    number = static_cast<TNum>(std::floor((std::abs(value) - numberOrig) * detail::pow(10, PRECISION) + 0.49));
    fill = '0';

    if constexpr (PRECISION > 8)
        digit(100'000'000); // 9
    if constexpr (PRECISION > 7)
        digit(10'000'000); // 8
    if constexpr (PRECISION > 6)
        digit(1'000'000); // 7
    if constexpr (PRECISION > 5)
        digit(100'000); // 6
    if constexpr (PRECISION > 4)
        digit(10'000); // 5
    if constexpr (PRECISION > 3)
        digit(1'000); // 4
    if constexpr (PRECISION > 2)
        digit(100);                          // 3
    digit(10);                               // 2
    *data = static_cast<char>('0' + number); // 1


The format_state_fixed function to actually print the state is a bit uglier than the other ones when using this:

std::string format_state_fixed(const State &state)
    std::string result(14 * 3 * 3 + 16 * 2 * 4 + 17, ' ');
    auto data =;

    format_fixed<14, 6>(data, state.pos.x);
    format_fixed<14, 6>(data + 15, state.pos.y);
    format_fixed<14, 6>(data + 30, state.pos.z);

    format_fixed<14, 6>(data + 45, state.vel.x);
    format_fixed<14, 6>(data + 60, state.vel.y);
    format_fixed<14, 6>(data + 75, state.vel.z);

    format_fixed<14, 6>(data + 90, state.acc.x);
    format_fixed<14, 6>(data + 105, state.acc.y);
    format_fixed<14, 6>(data + 120, state.acc.z);

    format_fixed<16, 9>(data + 135, state.quat.q1);
    format_fixed<16, 9>(data + 152, state.quat.q2);
    format_fixed<16, 9>(data + 169, state.quat.q3);
    format_fixed<16, 9>(data + 186, state.quat.q4);

    format_fixed<16, 9>(data + 203, state.quat_rate.q1);
    format_fixed<16, 9>(data + 220, state.quat_rate.q2);
    format_fixed<16, 9>(data + 237, state.quat_rate.q3);
    format_fixed<16, 9>(data + 254, state.quat_rate.q4);

    data[270] = '\n';

    return result;

However, when this is the primary bottleneck for an output, it seems to be worth it! Adding the results to the table presented earlier shows a 10x performance improvement. At this point I suspect not much more improvement is possible. I'd love to be proven wrong if someone has a better implementation.

printf2258 ns2253 ns304277
std::format2094 ns2090 ns330882
fmt::format1564 ns1561 ns437419
fmt::format with FMT_COMPILE1230 ns1227 ns558531
format_fixed170 ns169 ns4040267
Hardcoded state string24.1 ns24.0 ns28911035

All benchmarks were captured with code resembling the following:

#include <benchmark/benchmark.h>

static void FormatStateFixed(benchmark::State &state)
    State s = {
        .pos = {.x = 1.0, .y = 2.0, .z = 3.0},
        .vel = {.x = 1.0, .y = 2.0, .z = 3.0},
        .acc = {.x = 1.0, .y = 2.0, .z = 3.0},
        .quat = {.q1 = 0.123, .q2 = 0.456, .q3 = 0.789, .q4 = .134},
        .quat_rate = {.q1 = 0.423, .q2 = 0.459, .q3 = 0.989, .q4 = .034},

    for (auto _ : state)
        auto str = format_state_fixed(s);


The numbers presented here were run with:

Run on (12 X 4075.68 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
  L1 Data 32 KiB (x6)
  L1 Instruction 32 KiB (x6)
  L2 Unified 256 KiB (x6)
  L3 Unified 12288 KiB (x1)
Load Average: 1.96, 1.34, 1.13