TypeScript for Flow Users


Both Flow and TypeScript provide several utility types. Here I've taken Flow's utility types and compiled some examples to show the equivalent syntax in TypeScript. The examples are (mostly) taken straight from the Flow docs.

Disclaimer: I don't use Flow. I may miss some less obvious features - please let me know if I do!


TypeScript just uses keyof, though you could define type $Keys<T> = keyof T

const countries = {
  US: "United States",
  IT: "Italy",
  FR: "France",

type Country = keyof typeof countries; // $Keys<typeof countries>
const italy: Country = "IT";
const nope: Country = "nope"; // Error


Easily defined as T[keyof T], can be wrapped as type $Values<T> = T[keyof T] if desired.

type Values<T> = T[keyof T]; // $Values<T>

type Props = {
  name: string;
  age: number;

// The following two types are equivalent:
type PropValues = string | number;
type Prop$Values = Values<Props>;

const name: Prop$Values = "Jon"; // OK, if in a module context
const age: Prop$Values = 42; // OK
const fn: Prop$Values = () => {}; // Error


Can be easily defined using mapped types. The TypeScript handbook actually provides it as an example!

type Readonly<T> = {
  readonly // $Readonly<T>
  [P in keyof T]: T[P];

type Props = {
  name: string;
  age: number;
  // ...

type ReadOnlyProps = Readonly<Props>;

function render(props: ReadOnlyProps) {
  const { name, age } = props; // OK to read
  props.age = 42; // Error when writing


$Exact<T> doesn't quite make sense in TypeScript. If you specify the type of an object when defining an object literal, you will get an error if you try to provide more properties.

type User = { name: string };
const user: User = { name: "name", age: 0 }; // Error

However, it may sometimes be desirable to check later. In this case, it is possible to check if two types are exactly equal, and cause a type error if they are not. The conditional-type-checks library makes this fairly painless. The AssertTrue and IsExactType types have been extracted from it for purposes of demonstration.

type AssertTrue<T extends true> = never;
type IsExactType<T, U> = Exclude<T, U> extends never
  ? Exclude<U, T> extends never
    ? true
    : false
  : false;

type User = { name: string };
const user = { name: "name", age: 0 };
  // Scope so that ExactCheck doesn't show up anywhere else
  type ExactCheck = AssertTrue<IsExactType<User, typeof user>>; // Error

$Diff<A, B>🔗

Diff in TypeScript is commonly used for union types, however the $Diff defined by Flow can easily be defined in TypeScript as well.

There are three similar ways to represent $Diff, each has its advantages. While $Diff2 below is closer to the diff used by Flow, the $Diff implementation below is safer.

type $Diff<A, B extends Partial<A>> = {
  [K in Exclude<keyof A, keyof B>]: A[K];
} & {
  [K in keyof A & keyof B]?: A[K];

type $Diff2<A, B extends Partial<A>> = $Diff<A, B> & {
  [K: string]: any;

type Props = { name: string; age: number };
type DefaultProps = { age: number };
type RequiredProps = $Diff<Props, DefaultProps>;
type RequiredProps2 = $Diff2<Props, RequiredProps>;

declare function setProps(props: RequiredProps);
declare function setProps2(props: RequiredProps2);

setProps({ name: "foo" });
setProps2({ name: "foo" });

setProps({ name: "foo", age: 42, baz: false }); // Error
setProps2({ name: "foo", age: 42, baz: false }); // Ok, as in Flow

setProps({ age: 42 }); // Error
setProps2({ age: 42 }); // Error

Note that the above $Diff implementations will not complain if you try to remove properties which do not exist in A. There isn't a standard way to raise a compile time type error in TypeScript, but it can be achieved by resolving the type to never and causing an error where we try to assign an object to never.

type $Diff3<A, B extends Partial<A>> = keyof B extends keyof A
  ? {
      [K in Exclude<keyof A, keyof B>]: A[K];
    } & {
      [K in keyof A & keyof B]?: A[K];
    } & {
      [K: string]: any;
  : never;

type Props = { name: string; age: number };
type DefaultProps = { age: number };
type DefaultPropsBroken = { age: number; other: string | undefined };
type RequiredProps = $Diff3<Props, DefaultProps>;
type RequiredPropsBroken = $Diff3<Props, DefaultPropsBroken>;

declare function setProps(props: RequiredProps);
declare function setPropsBroken(props: RequiredPropsBroken);

setProps({ name: "foo" }); // Still Ok
setPropsBroken({ name: "foo" }); // Error

However, this implementation still does not quite match Flow's $Diff type. In Flow's $Diff type, Flow will allow keys that don't exist in A to exist in B if they are defined with | void. TypeScript's equivalent is | undefined, so here's one last implementation.

type RequiredKeys<T> = Exclude<
    [K in keyof T]: undefined extends T[K] ? never : K;
  }[keyof T],

type $Diff4<A, B extends Partial<A>> = RequiredKeys<B> extends keyof A
  ? {
      [K in Exclude<keyof A, keyof B>]: A[K];
    } & {
      [K in keyof A & keyof B]?: A[K];
    } & {
      [K: string]: any;
  : never;

type Props = { name: string; age: number };
type DefaultProps = { age: number; other?: string };
type DefaultPropsBroken = { age: number; other: string };

type RequiredProps = $Diff4<Props, DefaultProps>;
type RequiredPropsBroken = $Diff4<Props, DefaultPropsBroken>;

declare function setProps(props: RequiredProps): void;
declare function setPropsBroken(props: RequiredPropsBroken): void;

setProps({ name: "foo" }); // Still Ok, other is optional
setPropsBroken({ name: "foo" }); // Error

$Rest<A, B>🔗

$Rest is much simpler to represent with TypeScript. $Rest<A, B> returns an object with A's properties that are not B's properties. Following Flow's behavior, the remaining properties are marked optional.

type Rest<A, B extends Partial<A>> = {
  [K in Exclude<keyof A, keyof B>]?: A[K];

type JustA = Rest<{ a: string; b: number }, { b: number }>;
type JustB = Rest<{ a: string; b: number }, { a: string }>;

$PropertyType<T, k>, $ElementType<T, K>🔗

Like $Keys, there's not much point in defining this in TypeScript. You can just use T['key'].

type $PropertyType<T, K extends keyof T> = T[K];

type Person = {
  name: string;
  age: number;
  parent: Person;

const newName: $PropertyType<Person, "name"> = "Michael Jackson";
const newAge: $PropertyType<Person, "age"> = 50;
const newParent: $PropertyType<Person, "parent"> = "Joe Jackson"; // Error


This can be trivially implemented using the built in Exclude.

type NonMaybeType<T> = Exclude<T, null | undefined>;

type MaybeString = string | undefined | null;
type DefinitelyString = NonMaybeType<MaybeString>; // => string

$ObjType<T, F>, $TupleMap<T, F>🔗

This is a bit more complicated, TypeScript doesn't have the ability to "call" a function type like Flow does, but it should be possible to write types which provide the same behavior.

Here's a few examples, taken from the Flow docs and translated to TypeScript.

// Run
declare function run<O extends { [key: string]: () => any }>(
  o: O
): { [K in keyof O]: ReturnType<O[K]> };

const o = {
  a: () => true,
  b: () => "foo",

const a: boolean = run(o).a; // Ok
const b: string = run(o).b; // Ok
const b2: boolean = run(o).b; // Error
const c = run(o).c; // Error, c doesn't exist

// Props
type PromiseType<T> = T extends PromiseLike<infer U> ? U : never;

declare function props<O extends { [key: string]: Promise<any> }>(
  promises: O
): Promise<{ [K in keyof O]: PromiseType<O[K]> }>;

const promises = { a: Promise.resolve(42) };
props(promises).then((o) => {
  const a: number = o.a; // Ok, not 42 like in Flow.

// Tuple Run
// Unfortunately this only works when arr functions return a single type.
declare function run<T extends Array<() => any>>(
  iter: T
): ReturnType<T[number]>;

const arr = [() => "foo", () => "bar"];
const a: string = run(arr)[0];
const b: string = run(arr)[1];
const c: boolean = run(arr)[1]; // Error


It isn't currently possible to completely represent $Call with TypeScript as it requires support for variadic kinds, which has been on the roadmap for several versions. However, for functions with a static return type, it is possible to use the built in ReturnType<T> to extract a the return type of a function.


Is not quite possible in TypeScript, there's no way to recover the constructor type from any instance type. (T['constructor'] is just Function)

However, it is mostly unnecessary in TypeScript, just use typeof and the class name.

class Store {}
class ExtendedStore extends Store {}
class Model {}

declare function makeStore(storeClass: typeof Store): Store;

// To make this error, add a property to Store that is not in Model.
makeStore(Model); // No error


Is identical to Partial<T> in TypeScript.